We would like to thank all those handsome clients of ours that have started making use of our additional services. Xstra TLC has been on offer and well received all round. Don’t forget to enquire on our web site info@velvetglow.co.za

Our gorgeous lady pilot Jenna has taken to the skies again with her outrageously popular topless haircut. The men have been smiling from ear to ear and have been exiting the venue looking more gorgeous than ever. To avoid the queues please book in advance, the venue has never been this busy.

Don’t forget what’s on offer, face and body treatments and topless haircuts with our Erotic Massage In Pretoria East based. As usual all additional services are
accompanied by something different and we promise not to disappoint. Our gorgeous masseuses will treat you to a visual experience second to none during each individual treatment – every man’s dream… See our additional services page to tempt your appetite!

Canning and various Bondage / Discipline, Dominance / Submission, services have become so popular and VelvetGlow has had to invest in additional resources to accommodate the demand. This promises not to disappoint!!

Remember chaps we still have our happy hour special until the end of May. velvetglow now also has a unique VIP membership on offer.

VIP Membership – Please contact our gorgeous hostess for more information. “All cummer’s welcome”…

Thought for the week…
Confucius says “what goes up must come down.”
At velvetglow we are proud to announce that “what goes up, stays up”!
